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What's in your first aid kit?
How to Build an Essential Summer First Aid Kit
Every year the summer arrives with full force with: cuts, ticks, poison ivy, infected bug bites, sunburns, eye injuries, broken bones, and all other kinds of summer fun gone wrong. IF you are prepared, these incidents can be treated without much worry.
Being prepared means you need a first aid kit and know how to use it. Although pre-made store-bought first aid kits are a good start, these kits typically lack many items you'll need for your family.
Take a trip to the store to purchase some additional items to complete your first aid kit.
So to help you get ready, I have prepared a shopping list below for your summer first aid kit. Get it built now, so that you spend your summer having fun, not in the ER.
Pre-made first aid kit inclue the small packages of different items that will be helpful but potentially you will need other items. My "first: first aid kit was the premade that was packed full of items. I thought for sure I was prepared. Then my I became a mom of a dare devil and needed additional items. Larger bandaids, butterfly bandags, and additional ice packs. My "firs" kit started out as a 5 x 7 and quickly grew to a much larger container. In addition to that container, I learned quick that I also needed first aid kits that could travel with me with essential items such as bandaids, ice packs, water bottle for cleaning out wounds. etc: The first thing you'll need to do with a crying kid is clean out their wound. And the nearest water source is probably too far to walk. You can use your water bottle to treat dehydration, too.
Benadryl (Diphenhydramine): Benadryl is probably the most important over-the-counter medication to have in your first aid kit—it's a first line treatment for insect bites, hives, and other allergic reactions that can be deadly. Some premade kits will include Benadryl tablets, but if you have young children be sure to include a bottle of liquid, Children's Benadryl or the generic equivalent. Benadryl is also a great treatment for an attack of seasonal allergies.
EpiPen: If you have a family member with a history of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), ask your physician for a prescription. I suggest to keep it in the outside pocket of your first aid kit for quick, easy access.
Numbing spray: Wound numbing spray can be purchased over-the-counter at any pharmacy and can really save-the-day when a child is burned, sunburned, or has a painful cut or scrape.
Prescription medication: Ask your physician for an extra prescription for any medication you use frequently, especially asthma and allergy medications. Keep the extra supply in your car first-aid kit. You'll be grateful when you can stay at your child's sporting event rather than head home for an inhaler or other medication.
Ibuprofen and Tylenol: Most pre-made kits include these standard pain medications, but you will have to add the liquid kind for children; and remember these packets have expiration dates.
Dramamine, nausea medication: There's an easy fix for vomiting, car sick kids—nausea medication. Don't leave home without it. You'll kick yourself for not having it while you clean the vomit out of your car.
Sunblock: The worst sunburns occur when you least expect it—at sports events, or while doing yard work. Have some 30+ sunblock ready to cover those little spots on your ears and neck that your hat doesn't cover. Include some SPF lip balm or ChapStick, too.
Bug spray: The best protection comes from a repellant that contains 30% DEET. Insect bites are annoying at best, but at worst they get scratched and infected. We are seeing a growing number of insect bites that become infected with the antibiotic-resistant bacteria MRSA, which is difficult to treat.
Afrin nasal spray for nosebleeds: I just learned that Afrin nasal spray is a quick fix for a nosebleed. This medication causes the capillaries in the nose to constrict, thereby limiting the blood flow to the nasal mucosa and stopping the bleeding.
Hydrocortisone ointment: This inexpensive over-the-counter medication will treat almost anything that itches—insect bites, poison ivy, etc. If you stop the itch, the kids won't scratch, and you reduce the risk of secondary infection.
Flashlight/headlamp: If you don't have a reliable light on your cell phone, include an LED flashlight or headlamp. You can buy these very affordably now, even at the dollar store. A flashlight is not just for nighttime injuries—you'll need a bright light to get a good look at splinters, or look in kids' mouths, ears, etc.
Baby wipes: Even if your kids are out of diapers, a pack of baby wipes is infinitely useful in the car, especially for keeping hands clean and wiping noses.
ChapStick: ChapStick or lip balm can sooth cold sores, lip injuries, and sunburned lips in addition to regular chapped lips. You'll be glad you have it when you child complains about their chapped lips for the sixth time in ten minutes while you are on a family outing.
Clean towel: A nice clean towel is perfect for setting up your first-aid station while you dress a wound or remove a splinter. It's also useful for containing bleeding on bigger injuries. Consider a highly absorbent microfiber towel that can be stuffed into a small space.
Feminine hygiene supplies: Besides their obvious uses, tampons and maxi pads are very helpful for wound management and are an essential part of any first aid kit. Did you know that the modern tampon was invented in the 1800's for management of bullet wounds? An OB-style tampon can very effectively treat a persistent nosebleed. The smallest OB tampons fit nicely in the nose. Bleeding wounds can be easily controlled with a maxi-pad held in place with an ace wrap.
Premade finger splint: Not sure if that finger is broken or not? Just put it in a pre-made finger splint until you get your child to the doctor. You can buy premade finger splints at any pharmacy.
Alcohol wipes: I mostly use these for sterilizing my first aid kit instruments, such as tweezers and scissors. They are also useful for cleaning skin before trying to remove splinters.
ACE bandage: Although a first line treatment for sprains and strains, ACE bandages are also useful for holding bandages in place on bigger wounds, and holding splints on fractures.
Small scissors: For cutting dressings to the right size, cutting medical tape, opening packages, trimming fingernails and hangnails, etc.
A bottle of Gatorade: Very useful for hypoglycemia, dehydration, etc. Also useful as an occasional bribe for an over-tired, hungry child.
Ziploc bags: Ziplocs are essential for keeping track of teeth that fall out or are knocked out. Did you pull a tick off your child? Stick it in the Ziploc bag for later identification. Certain kinds of ticks are more likely to carry pathogens that cause Lyme disease and other illnesses.
Tweezers & small magnifying glass: I mostly use these for removing splinters, but occasionally they are necessary to remove bugs from ears, fishing hooks from fingers, etc. Of note, tweezers are NOT the best way to remove a tick—tweezers often cause you to remove the tick body and leave the head in the skin. The best way to remove a small deer tick is to scrape it off with a credit card. You can clean the credit card first with your alcohol wipes. Here's more on how to remove a tick.
Keep Your First Aid Kit in Your Car
You'll never have to remember to pack it. If you need something while you are at home, just go out and get it. If you have more than one family car, consider making a first aid kit for each car.
First Aid kits are important even if you do not have little one; big people need first aid too! BE PREPARED!
For additional information, call First Care Emergency Training register for one of our training!
First aid is more than just a bandaid!
Did you know....
Natural Cough Remedies....check out the 13 ideas on the link to the right. You may be surprised by some of the remedies! Sore throat? try some honey; it is one to help sooth your throat but remember not to be given to babies! Menthol is another method to be used. Menthol, a compound naturally found in peppermint, opens your airways to help you breathe more easily. Go ahead, click on the link to the right for more information.
Our Blog
An ongoing series of informational entries
Raising Active Kids.... Keeping them "fit"
April 12, 2019
The weather is starting to get nice out, the day light is staying longer, there are so many things that we can do as a family to stay fit or even get fit..... I know after a long day at work we all would like to just relax but taking an hour of your day can make a difference..... read on.... you may be surprised at how easy it can be.... Web MD has some amazing information that i love to share....
Our Blog
An ongoing series of informational entries
First Aid Essentials
March 15, 2019
What do you think the first aid essentials are? check out this Slideshow: 8 First Aid Essentials for Car or Purse and see if you will be prepared....
It is always best to be prepared for your emergency.
Our Blog
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The importance of learning this life saving skill....
March 15, 2019
When was the last time you were certified in CPR / First Aid Training. I know that many people think that you do not need to be certified in CPR / First Aid Training. The fact is …. everyone should know what to do in case of an emergency. First Care Emergency Training is available to meet your emergency training needs. We offer training at your site; at our training location in Washington, NJ; we offer in classroom or direct link to process the classroom portion on line at your own leisure. Don't wait until tomorrow. Call today! 908-387-9267
Our Blog
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What do you know about cysts?
March 7, 2019
Did you know....
What Is a Cyst?
It’s a lump of fluid, air, or something else. Cysts are very common, and most aren’t cancer. You may need tests (like a CT scan, ultrasound, or biopsy) to confirm that it’s a cyst. Often, cysts don’t need treatment, but your doctor can let you know if yours does. You can get cysts in many different parts of your body, and you may not even know that they’re there. Click on this link to learn more about this topic Blog
An ongoing series of informational entries
What is in your first aid kit?
March 6, 2019
What is in your first aid kit? Do you even have one?
A well-stocked first aid kit is a handy thing to have. To be prepared for emergencies:
Keep a first aid kit in your home and in your car.
Carry a first aid kit with you or know where you can find one.
Find out the location of first aid kits where you work.
First aid kits come in many shapes and sizes. You can purchase one from the Red Cross Store. Your local drug store may sell them. You can also make your own. Some kits are designed for specific activities, such as hiking, camping or boating. This article will give you some insight on what you should have available.
My Blog
An ongoing series of informational entries
Would you know what to do....
S Whitmore: Posted on Monday, February 19, 2018 3:38 PM
I found this information on FOX 8 Cleveland website - Be prepared for an emergency! call us to schedule your training. Tim is thankful his wife knew what to do!
MAYFIELD HEIGHTS-Would you know how to perform life-saving measures on someone in need? All this week, we are showing you how to safely administer CPR, perform the Heimlich, use an EpiPen, and what to do if someone is having a stroke.
We recently sat down with the McHugh's of Mayfield Heights. Tim McHugh is thankful for his wife's extraordinary measures that saved his life.
“Every day is a gift there are no more bad days, every day is a good day,” Karen says. She says that’s her mindset after a summer night when pressure in her husband’s ears turned into chest pain.
“No question it was the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me,” Karen remembered.
“I unloaded the car, was doing all that stuff and then I got nauseous and actually sick which we kind of blew off,” Tim explains. Tim sat down on the couch in front of the TV to take a rest. But not long after, when Karen was in the other room he had a massive heart attack.
“All of a sudden I heard this crash and I went running back into the family room and Tim had fallen onto the floor hit the coffee table,” she said.
Tim had absolutely no history of heart problems and had no thought that he might be having a heart attack, but he was lying unconscious on the living room floor.
Karen called 911 and the dispatcher started asking her questions. When Karen realized that Tim wasn’t breathing and had no pulse, she started doing CPR. Thankfully, Karen had learned CPR decades before as a Girl Scout and the skill came back.
“I never actually thought I would use it,” she said.
“Now to remember it from back in that day is phenomenal you know to the point that she actually did it correctly that I’m still here today,” said Tim.
Would you know what to do if someone near you or maybe a loved one, had a cardiac event and needed CPR? There are AEDs in nearly every public place, but would you be confident in operating one?
FOX8 went to the American Heart Association Training Center at the Cleveland Clinic. Daniel Solomon is the program coordinator and explained the life-saving skill can be learned in just a few minutes.
Solomon says always call 911 first. Then do perform CPR expose the person’s chest and begin chest compressions with one hand over the other placed in the center of the chest.
You should push hard and fast and continue until help arrives. You can switch off performing chest compressions with another person every two minutes if necessary.
If you have access to an AED open it immediately and follow the instructions.
The training came back to Karen when she needed it most and she says a lesson is CPR is worth everyone’s time.
“It is so valuable you cannot even imagine. We were told that Tim would have not only died that night, he would have stayed dead, if I would have not begun immediate CPR ,” she said.
If you are interested in learning CPR you can find a class near you by visiting the website for the American Red Cross.
The information in the story above is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor.The information above is based on experts in the medical/emergency medical field..Write your post here.
Would your children know what to do?
S Whitmore: Posted on Friday, January 19, 2018 10:41 AM
Don’t ever think you are to old or too young to learn..... this could have ended so different! Thankfully, this 8 year old acted in a way to save his mom’s life! Teach your children how to handle emergencies. Just calling 911, knowing their address and or familiar with their surroundings. When driving in the car. Have them look out the window instead of on the electronics. Talk to them about street signs, names and locations. Ask you children.... what would they do? It may surprise you! Would you get the help you may need?
Did you know.... Natural Oils
S Whitmore: Posted on Saturday, December 09, 2017 12:12 PM
Some interesting information that we would like to share with you..... Check back for other topics from "Did you know....."
Why Try Natural Oils?
They are touted as alternatives to condition hair, moisturize skin, fight acne, and strengthen nails. Take a stroll down the beauty aisle of your drugstore and you’ll find them in many products. Do they work? You might need to experiment. Everyone’s skin is different, and it comes down to trial and error.